What We Do & How We Do It



Plan Committee Guidance

We exist to provide support and offer fiduciary governance (as co-fiduciary or full fiduciary) to you and your plan committee.  Our aim is to provide our clients with a holistic viewpoint in both the investment and service side of our model. Whenever you have questions or need further assistance, we are always available as your first phone call.



Employee Education

Empowering plan participants through education is the backbone of our organization. Whether your staff is blue collar, white collar, financially literate or still learning, our advisors are excellent teachers and are here to support your staff in pursuing their retirement goals.

Additionally, sharing is at the heart of our service model. You can view our latest videos, webinars, industry articles, blog posts and other educational and news-worthy items here


Beyond Advising

At 401k Plan Professionals we are passionate about helping people and want our clients to know that for us, it is about more than just advising.